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is it love or what? what da friggin hell is it? - Love and Romance

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right , well i met this bi girl off a website she lives in scotland and to be honest im crazy about her! she used to txt me 24/7 and rang me a lot. she always made out she was more stright than bi and wasn't atracted to blondes..but there was something different about me.
she used to txt me i was gawuss and thought i was sweet. and used to txt all the time. i was swept away we mainly insulted eachother but thats what made us close i think. laugher is so powerful.
when she used to ring me my heart really did flip at her laugh, its so amazing and her accent is a huge turn on. she used to ask me to come up for december for a week, then it got shorted to a weekend and now its sometime next year. i think shes going cold on me. i no not its another woman, i can see why she doesnt have any friends who are girls.
we admited we loved eachother as friends, and shes admitted a couple of times that shes fancied me.but not more than that
she gets jealous of my friends let alone any girls that i like. not so much now tho
. she admited to having a connection with me thats shes never had with a woman. its all changed now and i feel so lost. she still txts me everyday, but just friendly chat. i ring her every so often. its not the same i miss it so badly my heart aches for what we had or even how she made me feel. i was willing to travel to scotland to see her, in a sense im glad she doesnt like to snuggle in bed anyway and even tho has had sex with a lot of women hasnt made love to one.and shes said shed like to take me out and spoil me. thats the only romantic thing shes said.
is this love even tho weve never met? whats happning now why she cooling off? she is only 18 and bi, should i just let her go now? or cool off a bit myself? im so confused that im losing her. i know in my heart it would never worked and shes not the one but i enjoyed whatever it was we had. can anyone explain anything?

Well, it seems like you just had a long distance fling. I'm not one for those type of things especially in *** of this. Maybe she was just young and confused. She's just probably not feeling the distance thing. I mean it's cute but you should just cool off on her. Or, talk to her and she what she is thinking.

it was just a long distance fling. your attractions were there but didnt get past the phone and werent able to cultivate to physical. I know how you feel, there can be some deep feelings established with words and hearing the voice, but maybe she has had a change of heart through the distance. Your should check with her and see where her feelings are now and if they have changed, then it was a good experience and leave it at that. take some time for the loss of the relationship.

im pretty sur it was jst a fling or a lil experimentaion on her part...its sad to say the least. seems like ur really had feelings for her which i feel for you there, but i think her affections hav swayed and not in your favor.

see i can't ask her how she feels. shes terrible at expressing her feelings, but sometimes will have random outbursts like lastnight. i kept having nightmares cos of a side affect from the sleeping pills and they was all about her. i think thats due to her being the last one i speak to before i go to bed.
i asked her to say something nice before i went to sleep and she put, that she could'nt wait to meet me one day and no matter what happens between us we will always be friends. and that i mean so much to her.
this is odd for her as shes told me she just cant be friends with any of her exs but shes willing to be with me kind of thing. she does care deeply i know it. i think she may be reserved cos shes scared of how she feels?the bit that confuses me the most about her i just don't know if she finds me sexually attractive, i send her pics and she says there sexy and sometimes make her horny, she teases me a lot but i never find that she wants to talk about sex and shes quite a nympho lol. so confused on that part????
im just going to let what ever comes our way come.
im slightly austistic so its hard for me to see in a grey area im always see in black n white-hate n love shes seen both sides and still hasn't ran away and most people do at that stage. shes my bestfriend and i love her to bits and i can only hope when i go see her it will turn into something more. wow thats grey for me!

hmmm i totally understand how u feel, an ex of mine was jst like that & it kinda ticked me off.
well i think u should 'lay low' for a while & see wat happens

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