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Destiny or coincidence? - Love and Romance


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So I want an opinion... Me and my girlfriend met in 6th grade.. We both didn't know each other were gay for one, and liked each other for another. So we never talked to each other the whole year. She left the school and I didn't see her ever again. Many years later, in 2010, I happened to turn around and see her walking down the street.. We started talking and exchanged numbers. After that day, we always talked and started going out. A conversation came up about 6th grade when we found out that we both always liked each other. Now, that we are together, I feel like she was what I have been looking for, for years, as does she as well. We have her friends jealous of us and everything. Now tell me, do you think it was just coincidence or was it just destined for us to be together in the end?


I can't tell you for sure because I don't know where you'll end uo days, months, weeks or even years from now. However, I've experienced that before. Maybe not EXACTLY the same, because we did talk every now and then after 6th grade, we were best friends since second grade, after all. Although we never got to be together because she's still really afraid of what might happen. Oh well, anyways. As much as I hate destiny, seeing as I prefer making my own decisions without anyone pulling the strings, I can't help but believe in things like karma. You probably did something to deserve eachother.


thanks you two I feel that way as well. I didn't want to seem crazy. It's just amazing to and it feels so unreal. I really thought I'd never see her again.


if there is a truly a higher power or unseen *** governing the way our universe works, then yes it may very well be destiny.


Definitely this is destiny! If u r now with someone u liked back in 6th grade, well it was meant to be! ... Be happy


what about fate. It can all lead you back to where you belongl


it could also mean that in this world of 7 billion people, it really isnt that big after all, people are closer than you think all you have to do is pay attention. theres no such things a coincidence, things just happen for whatever reason. And ''destiny'' is such a fantasy term...


could this mean you got hurt someome? What about you are so many years old and been through so many relationships and you finally meet ms right, could it mean that those ppl could just be learning experiences to the right person? perhaps. or destiny but it is good to just let the good feeling wrap over us and thank god we are there to enjoy it.


Very true, very true. Thanks all This made me and her really happy that people could think that as well.

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