
Personal details

Gender Female
Age 32
Status Single
Height 158cm
Weight 53kg
Body shape Average
Orientation Lesbian
Eye colour Hazel
Hair colour Blond
Personality Romantic
How out Totally out
Zodiac sign Libra

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


"... I want the deepest, darkest, sickest parts of you that you are afraid to share with anyone because I love you that much."
i love meeting new people so go ahead and talk to me
if you wanna know anything about me just ask on here or at

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icon-wio Valerie_Wassam uploaded a new photo
  • 25.10.2012 22:00:29
  • Female (32)
  • Mahoning
  • Single
  • Valerie_Wassam
icon-wio Valerie_Wassam uploaded a new photo
  • 20.12.2011 15:25:23
  • Female (32)
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  • Valerie_Wassam
icon-wio Valerie_Wassam uploaded a new photo
  • 27.10.2011 19:12:55
  • Female (32)
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  • Valerie_Wassam
icon-wio Valerie_Wassam uploaded a new photo
  • 25.10.2011 17:17:54
  • Female (32)
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  • Valerie_Wassam
icon-wio Valerie_Wassam uploaded a new photo
  • 15.10.2011 23:11:34
  • Female (32)
  • Mahoning
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  • Valerie_Wassam
icon-wio Valerie_Wassam uploaded a new photo
  • 07.10.2011 18:01:52
  • Female (32)
  • Mahoning
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  • Valerie_Wassam
icon-wio Valerie_Wassam uploaded a new photo
  • 21.03.2011 7:21:40
  • Female (32)
  • Mahoning
  • Single
  • Valerie_Wassam