
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 32
Status Single
Height 175cm
Weight 59kg
Body shape Slim
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Hair length Short
Ethnicity Mixed race
Personality Funny
Religion Spiritual
Identity Just me
How out Out to some
Body Hair Smooth
Zodiac sign Gemini
Smoker No
Tattoos No

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Happiness, is a long painful walk, but i'm going to walk down anyways, until i find it.
Well, there's not much to say, i like to usually talk in person or over the phone about myself. But i'm 18, and i'm single, and i have been for awhile. I have been heartbroken, and i'm very catious about who i trust. But i'm probably one of the coolest and funniest guys you'll meet for sure. Of course you gotta talk to me to find out. I really like just being myself and no one else. I love shopping at hot topic, and i love peircings too, i guess you can consider a very sweet kind of guy, and i guess i am. Now relationship wise, i just want a nice caring guy whose sweet and protective of me, that's all, plus i love acting. Music is my life, it helps me heal. U wanna know more talk to me:)

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icon-wio Shane_Mckinney uploaded new photos
  • 20.12.2010 23:22:30
  • Male (32)
  • Mahoning
  • Single
  • Shane_Mckinney
  • Shane_Mckinney
  • Shane_Mckinney