Personal details

Gender Male
Age 81
Status Single
Orientation Gay
Nationality French
Personality Funny
Religion Catholic
Identity Femme
How out Totally out
Zodiac sign Taurus

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Marseilles 29-4-11
I'm a French man 68 y.o. living in South France near Aix en Provence in an old house very comfortable with a marvellous garden full of roses, jasmines, pinks and trees : figs,limes and lemon trees. I share my life with a charming Vietnamese man 5 years younger of myself and with our 'son' 46 y.o who was our carpenter’s apprentice, and now he is the BOSS of our company.
Now being a retired man I divide my time between business and pleasure, as the technical secretary of my 'son' and sailing : French Mediterranean sea, Italy, Spain, and Morocco.
As life on the old continent where we are living is very sad without good perspectives of happy days before us, we are thinking to move to a Caribbean Island. As I wish a total break down with the French way of life, we will try an English or American island.
For my ultimate country where I 'll spend my days, to live comfortable life I must be a fluent English speaking 'gentleman'
So we are looking for an English young fellow

Hobbies gives you…

...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Marseille. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

Whoops, we couldn’t find anything there. Change it up and try again.