
Personal details

Gender Female
Age 37
Status Single
Height 171cm
Weight 59kg
Body shape Slim
Orientation Lesbian
Eye colour Green
Hair length Long
Nationality American
Personality Extroverted
How out Totally out
Body Hair Shaved
Zodiac sign Pisces
Smoker Socially
Tattoos A few

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


"when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro"

-hunter thompson
i'm a grad student at Georgetown, working on my doctorate in psychology. All of my early sexual experiences were with girls. eventually i got around to guys. for a short while and figured out pretty fast that they were not for me. at all.. so i came out. when i was 17. It wasn't all that dramatic. what else. i'm an incredibly easy person to get along with, always smiling, laughing and outgoing. definitely a girly girl i love all that stuff. i'm originally from nyc, and came to DC for school. I've come to really love DC. that's all for now. if i think of anything else i'll let you know. after an enormous number of changes; busted relationships, ridiculous sexual acting out, i'm with the love of my life. i think i got it right this time. i'm like the luckiest girl on earth.


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icon-wio Kristin_Turner uploaded new photos
  • 20.08.2011 20:51:15
  • Female (37)
  • Washington
  • Single
  • Kristin_Turner
  • Kristin_Turner
  • Kristin_Turner
icon-wio Kristin_Turner uploaded a new photo
  • 25.03.2011 14:40:38
  • Female (37)
  • Washington
  • Single
  • Kristin_Turner