
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 61
Status Single
Height 178cm
Weight 89kg
Body shape Belly
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Hazel
Hair colour Grey
Hair length Medium
Beard Beard
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Nationality American
Personality Funny
Religion Protestant
How out Totally out
Body Hair Some hair
Zodiac sign Aries
Smoker No
Tattoos Many

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Where ever you go, there you are!
I'm a very stubborn person that has a hard time changing to suit others. I think that sometimes change should be between myself and the person that I'm trying to get to know. I'm attracted to the straight looking type. I also like bad boys, alcoholics, etc. and know that this type of man is bad for me, but it's like chocolate. I just can't get enough. I would like a relationship, and i will have one some day. I guess instead of putting this info on the profile, I should be seeing a shrink. At least I am being honest! I love my dog, and she is getting old as all of us do. She is a major part of my life and tells me when I don't give her enough attention!

Gays.com gives you…

...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Louisiana. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

icon-wio Jerry_Pellikaan_II uploaded new photos
  • 07.10.2010 23:05:29
  • Male (61)
  • Louisiana
  • Single
  • Jerry_Pellikaan_II
  • Jerry_Pellikaan_II
  • Jerry_Pellikaan_II
icon-wio Jerry_Pellikaan_II uploaded new photos
  • 12.04.2010 3:21:24
  • Male (61)
  • Louisiana
  • Single
  • Jerry_Pellikaan_II
  • Jerry_Pellikaan_II
  • Jerry_Pellikaan_II
icon-wio Jerry_Pellikaan_II uploaded a new photo
  • 26.01.2010 3:09:13
  • Male (61)
  • Louisiana
  • Single
  • Jerry_Pellikaan_II