
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 29
Status Single
Height 154cm
Body shape Stocky
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Black
Hair colour Black
Hair length Short
Ethnicity Asian
Nationality Filipino
Personality Introverted
Religion Catholic
Identity Other
How out Out to some
Body Hair Average
Zodiac sign Virgo

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
I am Jay [nickname] Chan, obviously an Asian from the Pearl of the Orient "Philippines" and the City of Golden Friendship "Cagayan de Oro", I'm just a simple person, fun to be with, and easy to get along. I love to make friends and have fun with them. If you will ask me what is my interest well (1st)I love movies, I spent most of my spare time buying and watching DVDs. (2nd)I also love theater I've been into several school productions. (3rd) I love literature & journalism: my passsion. A college DevComm[Developmental Communication] student. What I wrote here was little part of me. So if you wanna know me better then c'mon and add me. [I dont bite!] ^^


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icon-wio Jay_Chan uploaded a new photo
  • 02.01.2012 13:14:45
  • Male (29)
  • Igpit
  • Single
  • Jay_Chan
icon-wio Jay_Chan uploaded a new photo
  • 15.11.2011 15:14:26
  • Male (29)
  • Igpit
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icon-wio Jay_Chan uploaded a new photo
  • 22.10.2011 11:33:18
  • Male (29)
  • Igpit
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icon-wio Jay_Chan uploaded a new photo
  • 26.05.2011 10:22:42
  • Male (29)
  • Igpit
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  • Jay_Chan
icon-wio Jay_Chan uploaded a new photo
  • 04.04.2011 7:15:46
  • Male (29)
  • Igpit
  • Single
  • Jay_Chan
icon-wio Jay_Chan uploaded new photos
  • 01.11.2010 4:09:00
  • Male (29)
  • Igpit
  • Single
  • Jay_Chan
  • Jay_Chan
  • Jay_Chan
icon-wio Jay_Chan uploaded a new photo
  • 13.10.2010 15:32:35
  • Male (29)
  • Igpit
  • Single
  • Jay_Chan