
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 65
Status Single
Height 181cm
Weight 91kg
Body shape Stocky
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Short
Beard Beard
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Nationality American
Personality Serious
Religion Spiritual
Identity Bear
How out Out to some
Body Hair Very Hairy
Zodiac sign Leo
Smoker Socially
Tattoos No

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


I like the company of younger 18-35 smooth masculine macho acting Hispanic/Latino,Asian,Caucasian,Eastern or Mideastern men. No effeminate guys or men of African descent please. No offense intended just a personal preference!
I am a masculine gay man with beard,mustache and a very hairy body. I have dark brown hair with some grey,blue eyes and wear either contacts or glasses.
I like the company of smooth bodied younger 18-35 masculine macho acting Hispanic/Latino,Asian,Caucasian,Eastern or Mideastern men. No effeminate guys or men of African descent please! No offense intended just a personal preference
I am mostly bottom but versatile
I like a man who can go all night and wake up the next morning hard and ready to go again!

Gays.com gives you…

...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Johnson. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

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  • 29.05.2017 23:11:04
  • Male (65)
  • Johnson
  • Single
icon-wio Donald_Polk uploaded a new photo
  • 19.06.2010 17:23:39
  • Male (65)
  • Johnson
  • Single
  • Donald_Polk
icon-wio Donald_Polk uploaded a new photo
  • 28.01.2009 6:45:09
  • Male (65)
  • Johnson
  • Single
  • Donald_Polk