
Personal details

Gender Male
Age 61
Status Single
Height 191cm
Weight 91kg
Body shape Average
Orientation Gay
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Hair length Short
Beard Clean Stubble
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Nationality American
Personality Loving
Religion Unitarian/Universalist
Identity Chapstick Lesbian
Body Hair Average
Zodiac sign Cancer
Smoker No
Tattoos No

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


Single male, 45, average guy-next-door type looking for other gay friends to get out and do things with and possible LTR. I'm not looking for just hook-ups-I'm tired of find guys only interested in sex and nothing more. Just looking for people to hang out with-if something more develops down the road, great, but just looking for something easy going and fun, with no attitudes or expectations. I like movies, dinners out, drinks out, biking, the beach, bowling, darts, traveling, etc. If you're looking for something similar, contact me back. Thanks...have a great dayt!

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...tons of hot guys and interesting people to meet up with in Bolingbrook. If you prefer to see who's around, do some ‘window shopping’ first. If you know what you want, search by selecting the right category. Nobody stays alone here for long!

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