
Personal details

Gender Female
Age 38
Status Single
Height 173cm
Weight 68kg
Body shape Athletic
Orientation Lesbian
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Blond
Hair length Medium
Ethnicity Caucasian white
Nationality Irish
Body Hair Smooth
Zodiac sign Cancer
Smoker Yes

About me

Interested in:

I’m looking for:


I am a thinker. I have two brains. One in my head and one in my heart, i take niether lightly, niether do i let anyone else. I love to laugh and to make others laugh and feel good. Ive been out for alalmost 10 years.i love my family and have theyre enduring endless love and support. My kitten is my best friend. Sappy but i dont care. She is amazing and fluffy psh awesome. I love to dance so i love to party. Most of all i love to discovery. I read and go out all the time just to try and scratch this unforgiving endless curiosity i have. Huh but my thirst is never quenched. I love emotion and human behavior. Im transfixed and intrigued by it. And the psychology of it all. Problems, solution, good, bad i dont care. I want and need to know it all. I love people and try my best to be a good person to one and all.... but i will always like animals more lol. I am frank yet warm and sincer. I have a huge heart dont try n step on it cuz my temper can be just as huge and less forgiving.


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icon-wio Ashley_Tyler uploaded new photos
  • 17.11.2011 1:22:23
  • Female (38)
  • Elkhart
  • Single
  • Ashley_Tyler
  • Ashley_Tyler
  • Ashley_Tyler
icon-wio Ashley_Tyler uploaded a new photo
  • 15.11.2011 11:34:38
  • Female (38)
  • Elkhart
  • Single
  • Ashley_Tyler