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Let's get to know each other. - Looking for LOVE!!!

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No need to Google it, I know what a "Guiche" is. For those reading in and don't know, follow this link: http://tattoo.about.com/cs/beginners/a/blguiche.htm

So on that note, I'll pick the Guiche, since I know how to play with one of those. P.A's are awkward and make absolutely no sense to me on why a gay man needs to have a ring pierced through the head of his dick or through his
Urethra. OUCH!

Methamphetamine or Marijuana. Both are well known. Only one is socially, acceptable. Which one is?


Weed is acceptable but i choose Meth,I've had experience with marijuana and it didn't end well.

X or Acid?


X, purely because a bad acid trip is VERY fucking bad.

thrown onto a desk, or pinned against the wall?


desk.Nothing hotter than sweeping everything off and then...yeah XD

piercings or tattoos?


Pinned against the wall. I like the feeling of having to fight against the absolute exhaustion one feels and having to fight to keep from collapsing. Kind of masochistic I guess.

raw, raunchy sex, or knight in shining armor romance?


Well I would like to be a night in shining armor for someone special. I hope that is what I am becoming to the one I am with that started out with some raw raunchy sex! lol

Camping trip to nature or a Theme Park?


I'm very much into nature so I'd opt out and pick Camping. If I'm with someone special, it could be a rather enjoyable time. Besides, in nature, the only sounds you really hear belong to your surroundings. A theme park is to crowded, busy and yes, noisy.

@ Dallas; up against a wall seems more enjoyable than on a desk.

Methamphetamine is one nasty ass drug, that has landed people in places most don't wish to land. Marijuana takes time, for I got sick my first time too. Acid, well that's another story. X, again, right up there with Meth and Sid, since they're both a chemical.

What's a better soak....

Hot Springs? or A hot tub?


never been in hot springs, so i guess hot tub?

scars all over your face, or your arms, legs and ass?


Baniff national park has a hot spring, so does Jasper (both are in Alberta, Canada). Harrison Hot Springs, are located in B.C., also in Canada. They're natural hot springs and definitely out rank any hot tub, which needs to be regulated for their P.H levels, which means, more added chemicals.

Multiple choice, Justin? No scars on my face (thank heavens), my arms have been spared, my legs however, due to several bike accidents due to insane motorists and my ass? Never.

What is more enjoyable

Marching/Walking in a Gay Pride Parade or Watching it?


watching it, because then u get to see the whole parade and not just one part of it...

be completely covered in paper cuts and have someone pour salt all over you, or have someone cut off all your skin slowly with a potato peeler ...?


How sadistic. Neither.

Acid bath or Tongue bath?


tongue bath ... sounds less ***ful

have a car battery electricute your testicles


have a grappling hook rip out your tongue


i need my testes so the tongue one lol...

have your finger and toe nails ripped back one by one really slowly, or have your eyes pecked out by ravens? and yes u must choose one...


hello everyone..i want to meet someone who will love me...


i dont thing so both of it i pick for my life........

so its bottom gay type or top gay typr is more better in sex?????

choose wisely......


either, im versitile.

die of a heart attack, or malnourishment?


Since malnourishment can cause the heart to fail I'm goin out eating!!! XD

In a circle jerk do you prefer...

To be in the pivot position...


To be on the perimeter?


Neither. I could never get into that head space.

Would you like to be filmed while having hot sex or

Holding the camera while filming the act?


Being filmed, I'm not that skilled, I'd probably drop the camera since I'm the bottom ^^; *blushes*

If you had the choice between a romantic partner, or not, which one would you chose and why?


A romantic partner. To be romanced by a partner, just adds to the whole ambiance of the time you're sharing together. This way, what ever happens, happens.

What's funnier... Yoh Mama jokes or Redneck jokes?

  • 8 months later...

this thread is gonna resurrect itself, hey if Jesus did it ...

Yo Momma jokes are funnier, because they just are

sit in a car for 24 hours of traffic, being ***d to listen to music you don't like


sitting on a bus for 24 hours with no music, ***d to listen to ignorant conversation.

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