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heart - Love and Romance


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a heart is not to be played with step on are ran over.a heart is made for love a heart makes u feel like u can out live the world.but only if ur heart is good.so what i want to know from you guys is?how would u rate ur heart and have some one ever tried to trun a good hearted person TO a BITCH HEARTED PERSON


It matters who you hang out with. But eventually if your a good hearted person the bitch you are hanging with will grow old and shrivel up and your outtta there because you will tire of it.
Best thing - don't waste your time cause you will see your ugly side and no one likes that side. Anyone can be a bitch but it takes less muscles to smile then it is to frown and it takes less energy and gives you more energy when you are positive and kind to others. Being nasty drains your energy for sure.

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