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What is ur impression or sterotype or any questions for the Asians in general?? - Looking for LOVE!!!

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hey, im just curious about people's impression of Asians and how they feel toward about them. Can be positive and negative and no any hard feelings For example, While ago i was told that Asian is cute but they sleeps around. So, what do u think? If u do have any question about Asians feel free to ask too and i wil try to answer them the best i could but i don't represent whole


This is the 3rd place you ask that question..Why that??


to get as much answers i guess sry about the repetition


The stereotype is that all Asians are bottoms. Like all stereotypes, this is not true. I know an Asian guy who is exclusively a top. Voltaire once wrote "All generalities are false.........including this one."

Some Caucasian guys are very (exclusively?) attracted to Asians. The common term for such guys is "Rice Queen." Personally, I like Asians but i also like other ethnicities, too. I tend to be attracted to Caucasian, Asian and Hispanic guys. But I am more interested in their inner qualities such as affection, honesty, willingness to commit, ability to communicate to resolve issues, kindness, stability, emotional and sexual compatibility. Although I am not hung up on age (older or younger), I am retired so it would be nice to have a partner who is also available to travel and attend events. Being Asian has relatively little to do with my search for a perfect mate.

Long Beach, California


Good Luck in find that friend or lover..


there is good and bad in every creed thats what makes the world go round I take people as I find them


sometimes you have to look at why thay get sterotype.all it takes is one person bad experance and by wors of mouth it spreads, not all people of one race is bad but a few are and all it takes is one bad apple to spoil the rest.


To me, race and creed is not important. It does not matter to me if someone is black, caucasioan, hispanic, ar asian. More important is the heart - kind annd sincere.

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