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Have been hurt and need advice - Love and Romance


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Ok, its a long story that may take a few posts but here go's...ok theres this girl called chelsea, i knew her in junior school but we didnt reall get along back then. A few years ago i bumped into her on a course we were on. We got along ok but we didnt really mix much, one day i got a message from her on bebo saying she likes me, back then i had just broken up with my first girlfriend who really treated me like shit and i was too afraid to tell her that i felt the same...


So i replied with 'fair enough lol' i didn't realize how i knocked her back. Any way, about 2 months ago i started talking to her again, she came round one night whil e i was alone, we had a chat and stuff and really got along and my feelings for her grew. A few days later i introduced her to my friends, by then we both knew we had feelings for each other and things seemed good. One night i was ill and she went out for a drink with my friends while i stayed home alone.


I had been hoping for a relationship with her but was waiting for her to get over a hard relationship with her ex. I didnt hear from her till late the next evening when she suddenly told me she had slept with my friend harry the night befor. This shocked me as she was suposed to be a full on lesbian. There were arguments between the 3 of us and they promissed they would never do it again, so things went on and i slowly fell in love with chelsea.


But about a week ago i found out they have been sleeping with each other since the first time. Aparently they fell in love after a night of drunken sex and are now together. The problem is i know what he is like he beats women and he dose not respect her he dosnt even use protection and tells her to go get the pill. I tryed speaking to her and so have other people about it but she wont listen. What do i do, i really like her. Im trying to move on and am looking for serious relationship but seeing them hurts


Can any one help or just make me feel better, i really wanna move on into i serious loving relationship but im hung up on her when im not talking to somone else i like :-(


she is pretty stuck on this guy and she is not listening to what anybody else is saying. It is time to look for yourself and look for some love of your own. You deserve to find someone sho is not ***d up on someone and someone who is ready to have a fun-filled loving relationship. Trying to wrench this woman free from this man is not worth your love. Find a lesbian and now she loves women. This woman is not yours to love.. Dont do this to yourself. Dont throw good love after bad. You are worthy of a good relationship.


terri's right you tried to help, but she's no listening, you may or may not want to br there for her when it ends she has made her decision, now make yours and move on, you deserve better

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