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I'm a member of a gay church here in our place. The church is named, "The Church of Saint John the Beloved". Our christian principle is that "God is Love" based on the theological point of view of God sending his son Jesus Christ to save us all. Our church ius named after Saint John because he is believed to be gay and yet he is fully accepted to be one of Jesus followers, John is the beloved because he is Jesus" favorite. What I don't agree with our church belief is that it strongly believes on this saying from the Bible..."FOR THE LORD LOVES THE SINNER BUT NEVER HIS ACTIONS." God loves us gays! But what about our acts of lying with men instead of a woman? That's why until now, I always have ***s of relating with men... ***s that I might commit a sinful act if I do so. It's okay with going with gays.. laughing, sharing, enjoying life minus sex with men? OMG! What will I do? Will I remain an oldmaid? Owzz?


That's why -even if I have Jesus in my life or not- I DO NOT associate with ANY church, especially not with my family's Catholic church, And I don't feel appeal to any Christian or Protestant church as well. I am of the thoughts I don't need a to be a member of a 'religious community' for being religious.

I don't think God cares of if I meet with a bunch of people to make a ritual and pray... but He cares about if I am a good person and my everyday acts are fair.

Please, I am not interested in any comments about my beliefs and points of view about religion and spirituality and the relationship with God. I am just sharing my opinion and the way I see it and have no intention to change it, discuss or arguing with anybody.


Enjoying life minus sex.. sounds familiar... (join the club.... or better yet, DON'T)
You both make good points. I will only add: You and I and every clear-headed gay guy [or is there such a thing? I'm starting to doubt it] know that we didn't CHOOSE to be gay, to have sexual attraction to the same sex. So, did the devil make us gay, then, or did God? I rather think God did (or just a random act of nature, which perhaps God initiated then sat back and watched how it all played out, but we won't get into that debate). So then, what kind of god would make us this way and then prohibit us from acting on our urges the way the heteros get to?
If anyone suggests you chose your sexuality, implying that you started out straight then 'turned gay' at some point, ask them if they could change theirs, and did they ever have to decide "hmmm, should I be gay or straight?" Better yet, just avoid confrontations with these types of people, you'll have better luck training cats.
I'm not religious but I respect people who are, as long as they're not fundamentalists, biblical literalists, etc, because I see no reason why I cant be gay and ACT gay and still love/be loved by God/Jesus, as long as my dealings in life are fair, as Rafael says. The Bible is a compilation of ancient Hebrew/Greek folklore - it's not a very good guidebook for life, otherwise I would expect to see more stonings, sacrifices, slavery, and less mixed-material clothing these days...


I'm part of Calvary Baptist Church and Jesus is the best thing that has ever happened to me


I'm happy for you Edward! But can you tell us what's this "best thing" that ever happened to you? Please tell us...


I'm gay too and i also christian.. i from Roman catholic.. i know many people say being gay is also an act of sins and against the god's teaching.. But, i really God's will always love me whoever i am..




The best thing? Well i havent had much good in my life. I've really been surrounded by death so turning to God is a safe haven in a sense. He protects me with his love and grace from getting hurt and being sad. So if I hadn't been saved then i would have had died from *** a long time ago.


TO: EDWARD---Owz... I'm sorry...terribly sorry. I couldn't have asked you that much. I'm really glad you were able to manage your emotional state at that time. God is indeed our ROCK and our Salvation. And how are you this past few days? Are you.. like me... looking for Man to Man relationship? Are you related with someone special to you? Me... I'm into a relationship... God forgives!


But, i never into relationship or into serious comitments because i ***ed that i commiting sin.. That's why i never into relationship eventhough i really want to do it..


My dear Andrew, you have decided to live a life for your own good. There's no problem with that. You are always free TO DO WHATEVER PLEASES YOU, but if you start convincing others to lead a life like yours, that is where conflicts begin. Live in your beliefs and faith. There is no harm if you do it. Each and everyone of us have some philosophy in life, and you already have your own, but what is best is we must open our doors for everyone. God bless you!


I agree with most of what you just said Felmar, except that living with the unfounded *** of having a loving, reciprocal relationship with the person your heart desires, doesnt sound very healthy to me.. Just look at all those Bible-thumping evangelists/politicians in the US who preach against the 'sin of sodomy' but engage in it themselves, behind the scenes... (until the public finds out somehow)
I just wish every gay guy who believes in God or Jesus would ask themselves how they can be so sure that God/Jesus don't want them to have a loving relationship with the person they really want to, at least if it's mutual.
I have a Bible that highlights the words of Jesus in red - this is very handy, because it makes it easy to scan thru to see what Jesus had to say on a particular topic... and apparently he had NOT ONE WORD to say about any sexual matter.


Good point Eric inasmuch as I agree that God would not want people to be denied a loving relationship, gay or straight (Jesus had nothing to say about homosexuality...he did talk of sexual matters). I should also add that I am very disappointed with other Christians who judge homosexuality as some grave misdeed, but ignore other things that are condemned far more strongly in the Bible...including things that they themselves do.

The verses in the Bible concerning homosexuality (3 of them...some ppl think 6) are written in a different time and context where homosexuality was associated with cult prostitution and exploitation by masters over slaves. In such a context, a prohibition of homosexual behavior has validity so that Christians would be seperate and not engage in worship of fertility idols. That is what they are aimed to do, and the context in the contemporary world no longer serves that purpose. These verses are in no way aimed at loving committed gay relationships. No true honest Biblical scholar coming from a constructivist viewpoint can claim otherwise.

As a Christian, I love God and I love the Bible. I really wish that the Christian church would consider the verse in context instead of allowing prejudice to govern thier response...and focus on the message of Christ rather than attacks on LGBTs.

I'm looking for a relationship, and I believe that it is God's best for my life for me to have a committed relationship. Love for God and others is the basis of the law in the New Testament. I fail to see how a committed gay relationship can be condemned when love is clearly evident.


That's kinda what I was getting at but didnt want to get too wordy!
Also wanted to say to those whose churches condemn homosexuality (or even homo acts while claiming to love the homo).. there are other churches I could point out which have reconciled gays and gay relationships with God/Jesus/Bible... so why can't theirs? And why stick with such a church when you have these other options? Maybe I will never know as I am not of a religious mindset.


It says in several books of the Bible that faggotry is a sin but like all Christians you choose only to obey the rules that you like. You are Pathetic.


TO: Felmar I am looking for a man to man relationship. Altough its very hard being a *** and gay while being a christian, no one is really into that stuff. There all immature(not all but most) If being gay is a sin then its the same as lieing and stealing. No sin is greater or lesser then another. And your right, God does forgive because Jesus died for our sins.


Not sure exactly what you mean by "faggotry", but I do find your comment very offensive. All of those verses (there are 5 of them) refer to cultic practices. Ignore the context and the letter of what they say if you want, but it is wrong and does no justice to the text.


A STANDING OVATION FOR DANIEL GREANYA!! You have completely loosened my ***s... and thank you for that great idea of yours. Two-thumbs up!
You sound scholarly and intellectual in your opinion... (bow!)


I love this topic.Here's my 2cents worth.I know I was born gay .I have never thought or even dreamed of having sex with a women .I myself knows that its not my cup of tea.It's not the right tools for me.I have never wanted to be a woman.I was born with the attraction only to men.I am a homosexual man who wants a gay man not a drag queen,Not stricly a top an not stricly a bottom,Just a gay man .And knowing that, and I'm a good person an I am not doing wrong.I go to a Christian Church for about 5 years now the pstor and his wife have came to dinner at my house with my partner David there also.They know we're gay and they dont care.They also Baptised us and a couple of others in the church about 3 years ago.And never once has he ever said your going to hell for being gay .Or for being a jew ,But not doing communion,That is her own time.She's a very dear friend ,"Our church doesnt care who you are or your belief system we are all sinners .So everyone just climb in the boat together Because a sin is a sin right.And we've all sinned, little or small its still a sin something to think about". Thats what Pastor Wayne says anyway ,Most Pastors aren't that way ,Oh by the way hes been a pastor for 43 years.NOW MY TWO CENT IS UP!!!


That comes back to the point I was trying to make earlier: that there are churches such as yours that have no problem with homosexuality, yet are still undeniably Christian (can't call the Hindu or Muslim etc.), so why can't those other churches get with it? Why can't they accept homosexuals when others of their religion have no such difficulty? What goes thru their mind when they are confronted with this fact? I suppose they dont think of you as a 'true' Christian if you're pro-gay, but then we get down to the question of what portion of the population is going to Hell if only they have everything right...


"know that we didn't CHOOSE to be gay, to have sexual attraction to the same sex. So then, what kind of god would make us this way and then prohibit us from acting on our urges the way the heteros get to?"

I am not religious, however my mother is. She assumes i chose to be gay...i didn't. Infact when i was 12 i woke up after a year of worry...thinking "i dont want to be gay...i want to be straight and normal". I had *** in my mind for along time before i came out, in the end it all turned out fine i guess. Anyway moving on - Alot of people think we CHOOSE to be gay but that is not the case we dont wake up one day and think "oh i may be transgendered today" another morning we think "ok today i will be gay".

Never has worked like that.

"I'm not religious but I respect people who are, as long as they're not fundamentalists, biblical literalists, etc, because I see no reason why I cant be gay and ACT gay and still love/be loved by God/Jesus"

I am not religious although religion does interest me. I agree - whether we are gay, bisexual, transgendered and so on - should god not love us no matter what we are. Should he not forgive and forget? or will he still send us to the devils domain for the sake of feeling the love of another man.

Besides, the bible has been written a few times since it was first created. If god cannot love us no matter what our sexual orientation is? then what kind of god does me make to be?

Surely if that were the case, better the devil you know as the saying goes. God would be no better than what the devil is. Infact would the devil not be a better creature than the god almighty himself? The devil punishes those who have sinned, those who have caused living hell on the surface of the earth itself.

So many people in life sin, be it swearing, smoking, drinking, sex before marriage, lies, ***...whatever. But in life we don't get a Manual Book, we don't get guidelines of when we can or can't go wrong. Life is what you make it, and if god cannot accept that then my question is:

Why create man-kind?
Why give man free will to do as he pleases when he desires?
Why create a world with such heartache, sorrow and sadness?

And last of all - WHY in the living hell should god have the right to judge us when he gave us free will which includes to do right by people, to fall inlove whether it be man or woman. When he allows the devil to cause the burning flames on the earths surface?

Personally - live life by the moment...not by a bible.

EDIT - the bible i believe is to be a rule book....what we CAN do...CAN'T do. God has no right to judge us for who we are.


The Bible is a book of ancient Hebrew/Greek folklore... and yes, the fact that it has been edited for content, translated and mistranslated over and over again, and that it can be interpreted in so many different ways by each sect or individual, tells me it's not a very reliable guidebook, and if we're expected to be able to discern the truth, to find out what we need to know to be 'saved', then we're all screwed....
That's not to say there's nothing to learn and no good stories in it, mind you.


Agree, bible has good stories - and i have researched many different religions throughout school years and as a hobby. Some ancient beliefs are so interesting!


I believe that the Bible is more than just a book of stories. it seem to speak to people who want to hear. It tell of God love for us and how he plans(planned to save us all). By using love. Now some people have used and are using the Bible for their own end and issues. We are talking now together and Jesus said when two and three are gather together in my name there I am. So we are in fact part of the church of God!!! So Jesus loves all of us no matter what and since where were born Gay; than he love you and me. you have to love some one and your self to be loved. Jesus is all ways a round when you are a lone. Sorry if this is very messy. So lets keep talking and sharing!!!!

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